Teni Rane

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Small Steps

Teni Rane

Each day is made up of tiny decisions that move our lives forward towards our goals, dreams, hopes. Oftentimes we discount the energy that it takes to inspire ourselves forward. In our worst moments, we are flooded with doubts about whether or not all these moments and efforts even matter. Over the past few years I’ve been committing (and
Each day is made up of tiny decisions that move our lives forward towards our goals, dreams, hopes. Oftentimes we discount the energy that it takes to inspire ourselves forward. In our worst moments, we are flooded with doubts about whether or not all these moments and efforts even matter. Over the past few years I’ve been committing (and re-committing constantly!) to learning to celebrate the little wins, all the “Small Steps.” This is the most “anthemic” of the songs on the album and weaves the questioning mind together with a commitment to keep moving forward with as much love and joy as is possible with each small step.
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  1. Small Steps

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Teni Rane live on WUTC - The Richard Winham Show


Teni Rane Live on Appalachian Travels - Radio Bristol


Teni Rane on Appalachian Artists Live from WEHC